Three Stages of a Heartbreak

Relationship Series

Credits: Pexels by cottonbro

Let’s face it! Breakups hurt like crazy, love is an addiction and when the addict doesn’t get the drug, it’s tough to be even alive. I’m sure cupid struck you once and cast its spell all over you. Unfortunately, when that spell fades away, it hurts like a b**ch! Whatever logic you give to yourself, emotions understand no logic. Whatever the reason be, for the breakup, at the end of the day- acceptance is the only key to getting over and moving on. To reach the phase of acceptance it gets very very bad before!

Stages of a heartbreak
Canva: Created by the Author

Heartbreaks hurt like actual physical pain, with abundant feelings and words untethered, and emotions getting messy. This phase usually has 3 major parts to it-

Denial– When the fights are no longer resolvable and you somehow know that the bond which existed between you and the special one is no more there. The very first resort is to deny the reality, as that’s what is comforting. You tend to go back to the safe space in your head thinking the relationship can be saved. But every time you try to save it you’re disappointed. This is usually the immediate phase after a heartbreak. Look out for your friends and family for support to sail through this period.

Resentment– Anger mixed with feeling depressed is the next stage where you would want to blame the other person for everything that went wrong in your relationship. This usually lasts the longest and is dependent on the length and intensity of your relationship. Duration is different for different people. But, trust me DO NOT suppress your emotions, let yourself feel every damn thing, and give yourself maximum time to analyze what went wrong between the two of you. Here’s when you’ll get your CLOSURE!

Acceptance– Final phase is when you come to terms that you and your partner are no more together and decide to move on. This is when you need to forgive the other person for their mistakes and be kind to yourself too.No relationship breaks because of a single person’s fault, so it’s best to be cognizant of your mistakes too, and take lessons then move on.

Closing Note:

There is a massive overlap between the 3 phases and that is when you are finally liberated from the overwhelm of the situation. So don’t be too hard on yourself and take how much ever time you need to heal. It’s very easy to put it down in the form of words but to go through heartbreak is very painful and if you’re undergoing anything of this sort, I hope you find peace and happiness soon! ❤

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