Imposter Syndrome- A Blessing In Disguise

Imposter Syndrome
Image Credits: @tatoenjoy

What’s talent but the ability to get away with something?
Tennessee Williams

Many times we find ourselves in an endless feedback loop from a tiny voice that originates within us and keeps questioning all the accomplishments made to date. Did I actually deserve this raise? this acknowledgment? this promotion?

As per the statistics, more than 80 % of adults experience Imposter Syndrome — a constant feeling of self-doubt, to describe it in simpler terms. There is a root cause associated with this phony feeling where one is not able to actually believe in their success and is associated with a recurrent feeling of being caught as fraud.

Well, if you’ve ever found yourself in such a situation — Congratulations to you! I’m not being sarcastic here as this is indeed a blessing in disguise. Have you ever wondered who questions their actions and accomplishments? People who strive for betterment every day in their lives and if such thoughts of self-doubt creep into your mind, you have a scope to accomplish greatness as you’ll keep course correcting time and again. Not being over-critical but critical enough to push you for a GREAT life is always a good idea.

Today, I have a few tried and tested ways to help you combat Imposterism and improve your efficiency in work and life-

Achievement Jar
Achievement Jar
  1. Make an Achievement Jar

    Take a glass jar and label it as My Achievement Jar, everytime you do something you’re proud of or get an appreciation for, remember to make a note of it on a small paper slip and put it in the jar. Next time when you get caught in the vicious cycle of fear and anxiety just open that jar and read about your past success stories. This will strengthen your faith in your own self and you will appreciate yourself when no one else does.

  2. Surround yourself with confidants

    Always remember quality over quantity. Even if you have 1–2 friends who can instill confidence in you when you lack it, is way better than multiple friends who will not be able to add any value to your life.

  3. Express Express Express

    Did you know, that having candid conversations about your weaknesses with your mentors, friends or trusted coworkers can actually work wonders. There is no unique problem in this world, everything that we go through someone before has gone through and there is a tangible solution to it. So try being vocal if the feeling of self-doubt engulfs you. Trust me someone out there will help you with their experience.

  4. Perfectionism is a lie

    The sooner we understand the better it is, to lead a contented life. Strive for betterment rather than perfectionism. The moment your focus shifts on to the next step rather than the ultimate goal 90 % of your fears will vanish and the path will seem much simpler.

Imposter Syndrome predominantly thrives on 4 factors- Anxiety, Perfectionism, Self-doubt, and Fear of Failure. Once we learn how to defeat these vices, achieving a better quality of life will become much easier. Always remember, the above-mentioned 4 factors are related to one thought which is what will happen if people get to know that I’m a fraud. Trust me no one cares about you, all they care about is themselves so lead a blissful life without any fears of judgment.

Hope this article adds meaning to your way of living life 🙂

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