How to end your day on a PERFECT note?

As the sun sets, our body’s biological clock also slows down as the day is about to end. A good night routine can set us apart from 99 % of the people and push us into the 1 % category who believe in conquering their every day and making the best out of it.

Day end

After a personal struggle for a couple of months with a messed up sleeping cycle and extensive research on how to derive maximum energy from the 6 hours you get in bed after a super exhausting day. I’ve come up with six ways that have helped me to rejuvenate and get the best out of my sleeping hours. I’ll like to share these learnings with you all so that it supports all the night owls who are wide awake in their beds even after trying to turn off for more than 30–40 mins.

  1. Make sure to finish your last meal of the day at least 2 hrs before hitting the bed. The moment we eat something, our gut breaks down that food that ultimately nourishes our body and fulfills our energy requirements. So you can imagine for yourself how an early dinner can benefit us. The entire digestion process takes about 4–6 hrs, however, the first 40 mins are the most crucial as our digestive tracts are the most active during this time. Post which the process slows down. An early dinner can help our body turn off and induce peaceful sleep in a swift way.
    Note- 8 p.m. Call to be your dinner time if you want to hit the bed by 10 p.m. If you can finish it by 7 p.m. that’s even better.

  2. Boost up your digestion by walking for a minimum of 15 mins after dinner so that your digestion process can pace up.

  3. Spend time with your parents/ spouse/ kids/ pets and get to know about their day. This brings in a feeling of fulfillment and belongingness.

  4. Pick up your attire for the next day, this gives a sense of accomplishment and you look forward to something for the next day.

  5. Decide on the 4 tasks which you’re going to accomplish the next morning and stick to the plan.

  6. In the final lap of the day, journal about all your wins and losses during that particular day this will help you empty your mind and prevent you from dwelling on thoughts that you have no control over.

Lastly, try inculcating the above-mentioned pointers in your daily habits. As mundane as it sounds, habits give us a sense of responsibility and compounding good habits can produce phenomenal results. As James Clear has very rightly quoted in his book Atomic Habit- The Power of Tiny Habits can garner MASSIVE results. Getting 1.01 % better every day for 365 days straight can make you ~ 40 % better after a year.


Hope these ways add value to your life and help you master your sleep cycle 🙂

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