5 Ways To Start Drinking More Water [Hydrate the Right Way]

Water is the elixir of life.

how to increase water intake?
Photo by Henri on Unsplash

We all know how crucial water is to our body and how important it is to drink enough water every day.

60 % of the human body is made up of water. On average an adult male needs about 3 liters and a female needs about 2.2 liters of water every day.

Let’s pause here, how much water are you drinking in a day? Is it enough?

According to scientific research, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains about 64% and the muscles, and kidneys about 79 %. Did you know even your bones have 31 % water content?

Now, if I may ask how much are you drinking in a day ? 2 or 3 glasses?

That’s awfully low!

We’re human beings and we need proof before believing any statements.

Why is it Important to Drink Enough Water?

  • Helps with weight loss.
  • Regulates body temperature in an optimum way.
  • Gives firm, plump, and glowing skin (Isn’t this our dream ladies?)
  • Provides joint lubrication.
  • Flushes out toxins from the liver and kidney.

Drinking water is like washing out your insides. The water will cleanse the system, fill you up, decrease your caloric load and improve the function of all your tissues.

– Kevin R. Stone

How Can I Drink More Water?

Read on to discover some genius ways to increase your water intake in the most efficient way possible –

ways to increase water intake?
Created by Author

1) Add a Dash of Lemon

Starting your day with a glass or two of warm water with a slice of lemon and mint can work wonders for your body. It’s a detox drink.

While drinking the first glass you can add a dollop of honey as well. High-quality honey has anti-oxidants like flavanoids and phenolic acid.

A slice of lemon and honey will enrich your glass of water with nutrients, isn’t it great?

2) Put a One Litre Bottle and a Glass on your Work Desk

Just scroll up for a bit, you’ll observe from 8 a.m to 6 p.m, you need to consume 7 glasses of water.

Let’s assume 8 to 6 are your working hours, given all of my readers are super hardworking people who care for their health.

So where do you think is the best place to keep your water bottle, so that every time you look at it, you’re reminded to drink water?

A glass along with a water bottle will help you keep track.

3) Drink Water 30 mins Prior to Meals

Drinking water 30 mins before a meal can prove beneficial if you’re trying to shed some extra pounds.

A study conducted on a group of 24 adults, proved that people who drank 500 ml (Approx 2 glasses of water) before breakfast consumed 13 % lesser calories than those who drank no water.

This approach can keep you both hydrated and slim! Two benefits of a single habit. Killer stuff.

4) Drink Water Before and After your Workouts

I’m currently undergoing rehab to strengthen my shoulders. Guess what my physiotherapist told me that blew my mind away — Water constitutes about 75% of muscle mass!

Ideally, 500 ml of water 30 minutes before working out, followed by a couple of sips after every 10–20 minutes while working out, and another glass within 30 minutes post working out will leave you feeling refreshed!

5) Drink Warm Water at Night

As the day progresses reduce your water intake. Maximum water should be consumed during the early hours with a reduction in intake after sunset.

After dinner, a glass of lukewarm water can prove to be soothing. Adding a spoon of grated raw turmeric and freshly ground pepper can reduce inflammation in any muscles. It has many additional benefits like an increase in immunity, better sleep, and more.

I prefer to have this drink regularly in winter and twice a week in summer.

Final Note

If you’re trying to build a habit, reward yourself every Sunday for a couple of weeks whenever you achieve a streak of 2 liters of daily water consumption without a break. I drank an avg 2–3 glasses of water in 2019. Today I drink 2 liters daily and take a lot of pee breaks. 😛

It helps me to take a break now and then while working.

It’s a habit and you have the potential to build it.

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This post was originally published by the publication In Fitness and In Health on Medium

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