6 Ways to Conquer Health in a Holistic Way

Health is the state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit.

~BKS Iyengar

Picture Credits: Unsplash by Tyler Nix

Ancient Japanese techniques have time and again proven to be the best way in leading a healthy life. An average person in Japan lives up to 85 years, whereas the average life expectancy in the world stands at 73 years. Being considered one of the healthiest countries in the world (ref), there must exist a secret, which needs to be revealed to the rest of the world. For all of us to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. After intensive research on the topics of health and wellness; I’ve decided to throw light on a few methods today, which the Japanese have used for hundreds of years to gain victory over the health and happiness index.

I’m sure you would have heard people around you saying- Optimize your life, Optimize your time, etc. to lead a good life. But the actual secret lies in — OPTIMIZE AND MANAGE YOUR ENERGY, which no one talks about. Consistently, we keep striving towards managing our time, health, relationships, and whatnot. Do you want to know what you really need to conquer? the answer is — YOUR ENERGY. And, the 4 pillars of your energy are- BODY, EMOTIONS, MIND, and SPIRIT.

To master the essence of healthy living, I’ve summarized 6 crisp ways which can uplift your ENERGY index if practiced for 90 days straight. Believe me, it’s a tried and tested way and I’ve garnered magnificent results –

  1. Eat in moderation- Avoid indulgence of any sort; eat everything to 80 % of your capacity. Harachi Bunme is a Japanese phrase that means “Eat until you’re eight parts full” which emphasizes moderation as the standard to be followed in every meal. Eat frequent and small portions of meals, this will contribute to maintaining optimum weight and in turn healthy physical energy. There’s an age-old Okinawan phrase, nuchi gusui, which can translate as ‘let food be your medicine.’ And, who wants to devour medicines? Eating mindfully should become a mantra for you and, to achieve mastery over it I’ve broken it down into 3 simple steps-
  • Add more nutrition-Everytime you crave snacks try replacing food that is high in carbs with food that is rich in protein and unsaturated fat. Do you want to gobble up on ’em potato chips? Pick up nuts and seeds instead. Foxnuts make an excellent snack too. Replace your white bread with multigrain bread. Choose food with higher nutritious value instead of high salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats.
Picture Credits: Louis Hansel Unsplash
  • Have a rainbow on your plate– Every color represents a set of vitamins and minerals that prevent our bodies from deteriorating health conditions- Reds help with hypertension, high cholesterol, and brain function. Blues and Purples help with heart diseases, healthy aging, and memory. Orange and Yellows help with skin and immune system health, Greens help with eye health, digestion, and immune health, and Whites are high in antioxidants and help with cholesterol. (ref) If you’re a non-vegetarian make sure to include fish in your diet for a high dosage of Omega 3, Vitamin D, and B12 for bone and heart health.
  • Slow down– Chew your food 32 times before swallowing it to ease digestion. Indulge in mindful eating and relish the flavors in your mouth. Grinding your food properly will enable better absorption of nutrients without distressing your gut.
Picture Credits: sentidos humanos Unsplash

2. Sip on some Matcha tea- What is Matcha tea and how is it different from regular green tea? It is prepared by grinding up the green tea leaves and converting them into a bright green powder, rather than the traditional way of making green tea by soaking the leaves in water. This has a high dosage of antioxidants which reduce cell damage and prevent chronic diseases. Additionally, it improves your concentration level and adds a glow to your skin. Matcha is the clear winner in the green tea family. For coffee lovers out there- you can make a latte out of it! You can easily grab one from your nearest Starbucks 🙂

3. Walk and Stretch yourself- 30 mins is all you need to pump up your body. Rajio Taiso meaning radio calisthenics in Japanese, are basically mild stretches that are performed in the morning before starting the day on beats of music to add to the fun element of exercising. It’s broadcasted on the radio every day at 6:30 a.m. in Japan, and parts of China and Taiwan. Japanese have been doing this for the past several decades and very well understand the essence of stretching one’s body first thing in the morning.

Picture Credits: Zen Bear Yoga Unsplash

You can instill basic stretches like – cobra pose, standing side stretch, forward fold, and standing hip flexor stretch for the first 10 minutes and spend the next 20 minutes for brisk walking, in your morning routine. Believe me, it’s life-changing I’ve been doing it for the last 30 days and haven’t felt this great in the last couple of years.

4. Maintain healthy relationships– Human beings are social animals and need to find their clan to stick to them through thick and thin. Social bonds keep us going and give us a sense of security, make sure to spend quality time with the people you love. This will not only boost your happiness factor but give you a sense of belonging. Try to invest in good relationships and pave a way for a harmonious life.

5. Find your Ikigai– In April 2016 a book called Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to Long and Happy Life was published; which went on to become a bestseller with over 1.5 Mn copies sold worldwide.

Have you ever wondered — what is your purpose in life? or the reason for your being? This might sound like woo-woo stuff but trust me we need to find answers to these questions in order to lead a fuller life.

In simple terms, Ikigai means finding a sweet spot basis 4 principles-

  • What you’re good at?
  • What do you love?
  • What does the world need?
  • What you can get paid for?

This will give you a reason to get up in the morning with a purpose and a sense of joy which in itself is priceless. But, oh boy it’s not easy to find your Ikigai. I’m still trying to find mine. You’ll need tons of self-introspection and as a result, it can take a long time to discover your Ikigai. Here, my friend — Patience is the key. Start your soul-search on what gives you fulfillment!

A pro tip:

Think about all the times you reached a state of Flow while doing a task, Flow is a state when you do something uninterrupted and it does not make you feel tired. All you feel is a rush of excitement while accomplishing your tasks. It usually occurs when you do something which stretches your mind or body to an extent, but at the same time is achievable. This effort is worthwhile and can push you into a state of Flow. For example, I personally experience this while writing and walking. Keep a note of all the activities which make you reach a state of flow while you’re in search of your Ikigai.

6. Optimize your Ultradian Rhythms — Do you know what is Ultradian Rythm? Let me break this for you, Ultradian means “ many times a day” and Rythm means “ a recurrent wave pattern which resembles oscillations”.

Image Source: Blue Zones

Our bodies show 90- to 120-minute cycles during which we slowly move from a high-energy state into a physiological trough. Essentially, taking frequent breaks after intense sessions of work is what our body demands; to keep its energy levels in check. I’ll take the liberty here in slashing away this myth for you that taking breaks is unproductive; especially in countries where hustle culture is prevalent. Trust me when I say this — BREAKS ARE VITAL TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF FOCUSSED WORK. Your body needs frequent recuperation periods to perform its best. Be it in the form of chit-chat with colleagues or brew and sip on your coffee or a quick 10-minute walk, make sure you’re not depriving yourself of the necessary rest periods during the course of the day.

Ending Note:

Lastly, as important as it is to take care of your Body and Mind at the same time it’s crucial to take care of your Spirit. You need to clarify priorities and establish accompanying activities in three categories: doing what you do best and enjoy most at work; consciously allocating time and energy to the areas of your lives — work, family, health, service to others — you deem most important and live to your core values in daily behaviors. Then see the magic of a beautiful life unfold right in front of your eyes.

Hope you enjoyed this article 🙂

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