6 Uncommon Ways to Be Mentally Strong

Mental Strength can be built with practice.

mentally strong
Photo by Wakky Paul on Unsplash

Life is not a fair game, being mentally tough will do you good in the longer run. As athletes train for physical strength, and acquire it after a consistent amount of effort. Similarly, mental endurance can be built over time if you keep striving persistently.

I read a book called Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins, where he talks about how Self-Discipline and Mental Toughness, made him a top-performing endurance athlete and US Navy Seal winning tons of accolades for his success from a depressed, and overweight young man.

If you’re looking for motivation to kick-start your journey toward both mental and physical toughness, Can’t Hurt Me is a good book to start with.

It’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you.

~ David Goggins

From my personal experience, I’ve compiled 6 ways to help you build greater fortitude-

Avoid Looking at Situations Subjectively

There have been times when being involved in hard situations has jolted me from within, a tussle with a colleague is one of those.

I go in a spiral thinking about why a specific person causing issues hates me, but the reality is it might not be my problem at all.

They might be having a bad day, so there goes the frustration on me. Being the first person involved in a nasty situation naturally invokes a response of agitation.

Once I come to terms with my emotions, I try to look at the situation in a third-person scenario. This takes away “feelings” from the problem, thus helping me come to a resolution. However, it’s important to feel every bit of the problem before analyzing it from an objective lens.

In simple words: Don’t take things personally.

Callous the Mind

Every time there comes a situation that will have good benefits in the long run, and you want to say NO, say YES. Don’t succumb to those NOs rather replace them with YES.

You’ve to lift weights and your body says no dear let’s relax today, we’ll lift tomorrow. Stop yourself there and then- go lift those beasts instead.

I’m not implying do not have rest days, I’m sure my reader friends are smart enough to realize when your body actually needs rest and when you’re just flaking it.

When you need time off genuinely — do not think twice before taking it. But when it’s your stupid mind playing tricks shut it and Eat That Frog.

In simple words: Don’t give excuses to yourself.

Spend Time in Solitude

“It’s becoming easier and easier to be social, but exceptional people are built in solitude.”

This has been life-altering for me!

I used to be a person who loved company, believe it or not, I loved to be surrounded by people 24X7. In the last couple of months, I was pushed into solitude due to certain circumstances, it’s HARD! But I got the best gift of my life from spending time with myself- I discovered my love for writing online.

It’s not a piece of cake, sitting with yourself without any external stimulation like Social Media is tough. If you can learn to do this it’s going to benefit you immensely. Trust me as I say this out of experience.

In simple words: Embrace your own company.

Show up Everyday

This one’s gonna be tough buddy but you gotta do it, cry and do it or laugh and do it; that’s up to you.

Reps count.

You and I both got goals, that’s why we’re here. PUT IN THE WORK EVERY DAY. Trying to create content on Youtube? Trying to score well in an exam? Trying to get a promotion at work? Keep putting in work in big or small proportions daily.

Not every day is gonna be great, let me give an example, I had a goal to write two articles today, could write only half a draft. No worries, the least that should have happened is showing up. Don’t bog yourself down if what you wanted wasn’t accomplished but give in your best and see the magic unfold.

Being ready at the right time is what luck is all about.

In simple words: Put in the work every day, consistency is the KING.

Avoid Giving in to All the Desires

5 mins of extra sleep when your alarm clock rings, a weekend filled with devouring junk food and alcohol. There are instances where you tend to give into tiny desires however they go on to cumulate as bad habits, that are very difficult to break.

I’m not saying don’t listen to what your heart wants, it wants what it wants. Isn’t it? Instead, look out to replace unhealthy desires with things that will add value.

All of us have got one life, it’s best to spend it in a quality way. Replace those extra 5 mins of sleep that will disturb your routine, with proper leisure time over the weekends to relax.

If you can’t give up junk food and alcohol completely, reduce your consumption.

Life should be one long celebration, living weekend to weekend is a humiliation to oneself.

Make discomfort a friend with a “ This too shall pass” mindset. There’s a beautiful lesson I’ve learned from Buddhism- “Everything is temporary”– if life is tough that’s not gonna stay the same and if it’s easy that’s not gonna stay the same either.

Everything is Temporary

In simple words: Practice self-discipline.

Look at the Brighter Side

Everyone goes through ups and downs, if you are going through a tough time, analyze what went wrong by contemplating it by yourself rather than venting it out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry you meet.

Embrace all that’s good, celebrate small victories by focusing a higher energy level on good things in your life, and learn lessons from your mistakes.

By not fixating on the tiny mistakes you’re keeping yourself away from stress; a stress-free zone is where ideas mushroom.

In simple words: Focus your energy on all that’s working in your favor.

I’ve learned this trait from my boyfriend, and this has done well for him.

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Check out other blog posts by the author here.

This post was originally published on Curious on Medium.

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