5 Hacks To Instantly Uplift Your Mood

Who doesn’t want to feel happy and alive? But, Alas! Many of us suffer from frequent mood swings which affect tons of our day-to-day activities that have to be performed in order to lead a fulfilling life. So here a 5 super easy to do techniques that can instantly lift your mood and help you concentrate better on the tasks at hand and make your days better —

  1. Take a notepad and write

    Sometimes we tend to dwell on thoughts that might deviate our focus from the present, to prevent ourselves to get into the loop of overthinking there’s a best practice to get rid of that particular thought. WRITE IT DOWN and focus on the work that you’re doing at that moment. Writing will tend to that particular bothering thought and save you a bunch of time that would have been otherwise wasted overthinking and feeling bad.

  2. Act of giving

    Whenever you feel caught in the vicious cycle of feeling overwhelmed, try being generous and giving someone what they might like/ need. Though we believe that getting a gift from someone will help us feel better, it’s actually the other way around. Try giving it a shot, a small gift to someone whom you love or even to a stranger will make your day brighter.

  3. Break a sweat

    If you feel that you get caught in bouts of sadness frequently, immediately try doing squats, jumps, and deep breaths- 10 each this will give a serotonin spike in your body and you’ll be in a better mood altogether.

  4. Fresh fruits and veggies

    The gut feeling is really common, isn’t it? A scientifically proven fact states that there is a connection between your gut and brain which in turn affects the emotions that we feel. So a healthier gut will always pave way for less brain distress thus booting happy hormones. So remember to inculcate a bowl of fresh fruits and veggies in your daily diet.

  5. Pet an animal/ Cuddle with your loved one

    Human beings are social animals and it feels good to be in physical proximity with someone you love. Showing an act of love be it hugging or kissing someone you love or petting one of your furry friends is going to give a sense of happiness and belonging.

Hope you enjoy reading these HACKS for happiness 🙂

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